
Philosophy of EducationI believe that all children are exceptional individuals who need a safe, compassionate, and motivating atmosphere in which to grow in a productive learning environment.  It is my aspiration to support students in meeting their fullest potential by affording them an environment that is secure, encourages risk-taking, and the sharing of ideas.  There are several components involved in establishing this type of environment. First, the teacher must act as a facilitator. Second, one must embrace the natural curiosity of a child to direct learning. Third, the teacher must foster respect of others.The rationale of education is to support student achievement throughout their lives. As a teacher I need to bear in mind the needs of my students, what is important to my students, and what they need to learn in order to be successful in the real world.  A teacher’s role therefore is to guide, provide access to information and facilitate student discovery learning and search for knowledge to find answers to their questions.  In order for students to build knowledge, they need to be given many opportunities to discover for themselves through practice of skills in authentic situations.  Students should be supplied with access to a variety of hands – on activities.  It should include sufficient time and spaces for use of materials that will reinforce instructed content.  This creates opportunities for student discovery in order for connective knowledge to happen.  Additionally, a teacher needs to utilize a variety of methodologies and approaches in order to reach the variety of learning styles in children.   Teaching will provide me an opportunity to continue learning and growing.  My hope as an educator is to share and instill my own passion for learning with my students.  I want to arm them with the tools to be the best they can be.  I want them to believe in themselves, and be inspired to work hard to reach their goals in life.